Observe New Mexico Elections



Nationally, trust in the U.S. democratic process is declining. Observe New Mexico Elections believes that the democratic process and American elections need champions now more than ever. Our goal is to build a nonpartisan movement of citizen Election Observers in New Mexico who are excited about democracy and want to do their part to promote secure and accessible elections.

Nonpartisan election observation is an impartial process in which trained Election Observers systematically gather data about an election in order to assess key aspects of the process and report on the degree to which the election was fair and credible. Grounded by facts and evidence, trustworthy Election Observers validate the critical work being done by those on the front lines of our democracy.

Nonpartisan Election Observers are citizens, neighbors, and fellow voters.  Election Observers cannot be party actors or advocates—in fact, Election Observers agree to follow a strict code of conduct to ensure they remain nonpartisan and don’t interfere with the voting process.

Throughout the election calendar, teams of Election Observers are stationed at polling places, election offices, and other satellite locations where election operations take place. Each team collects data using a standardized set of questions about the election process. They also record general observations and anything noteworthy they see. That data is then collated, analyzed, and summarized in periodic reports released to the public.

Partisan Election Observers are appointed by registered political parties and generally look for activity that could undermine their own party’s or candidate’s interests. By contrast, nonpartisan Election Observers have no stake in the election outcome. They do not get involved or interfere in election processes, even if they see something take place that should not happen. They are trained to understand the election process as specified by law and to report on whether Election Day procedures are being correctly followed.

The Carter Center has led similar efforts internationally for decades and is now engaging in efforts here at home. We are honored New Mexico was among the handful of states they selected to participate this year.  Since 1989, The Carter Center has observed 124 elections in 40 countries and 3 Native American nations. In addition, 17 expert missions have been conducted in 15 countries. Learn more about The Carter Center’s Democracy Program here.

This year, The Carter Center is supporting a non partisan coalition of citizens from across the political spectrum in New Mexico to observe and report on the efficacy of local election practices. Participating will give you a front-row seat to how elections are run and teach you about the ways we can improve election processes.

We welcome the participation of people registered in all parties to become nonpartisan election observers for Observe New Mexico Elections. All nonpartisan election observers are required to sign a code of conduct before they participate in observer training. Nonpartisan election observers will report what they see as neutrally and accurately as possible using standardized forms.

Contact Us

The mission of Observe New Mexico Elections is to increase transparency and trust in New Mexico’s elections by training and deploying nonpartisan election observers throughout the state. Observers will report on how election laws and procedures are followed, representing all voters without interfering in the electoral process. Findings from their observations will be compiled to assess the overall quality of elections in New Mexico.