Observe New Mexico Elections

New nonpartisan initiative aims to restore voter confidence in New Mexico, funded by The Carter Center

Albuquerque, NM – Observe New Mexico Elections (ONME), a nonpartisan election observation effort funded by The Carter Center, will emphasize increasing transparency in New Mexico election systems for the November 5, 2024 general election. The initiative will train and deploy nonpartisan election observers throughout the state. The effort will be guided by a five-member cross-partisan advisory board including former New Mexico Governor Garrey Carruthers, Justice Barbara J. Vigil, Ryan Cangiolosi, Maureen Sanders, and Leonard Gorman.

“It is my hope that this effort will reinforce our trust in the election process and provide assurance to New Mexico residents that their vote counts and the process to count their vote is consistent with state and national standards,” says Ryan Cangiolosi, former state GOP chair. “This is just one way we hope to help demystify the electoral process and highlight its safeguards.”

This effort is led by and for New Mexicans to monitor critical stages of the election process and provide a comprehensive evaluation. The initiative will assess whether statutory electoral procedures are consistently and accurately followed and will provide comprehensive public information about the quality of the 2024 general election.

The New Mexico-based ONME team includes co-leaders Carmen J. López and Sharon Berman. Carmen López is President of CL Strategies, a company that supports communities to build an engaged, representative and accessible democracy. Both women are democracy advocates with extensive experience in New Mexico. Sharon Berman’s comprehensive work with New Mexico First focused on the areas of election reform and good governance, food insecurity and agriculture, health and education. The two leaders will oversee an anticipated team of 250 election observers.

Election observers, representing New Mexico’s 33 counties, will learn about relevant laws and procedures that are a part of the electoral process. The election observers will document how those procedures are implemented, reporting on what they see as impartially and accurately as possible. The election observers will use structured forms and other standardized observation tools. Their reports will be aggregated to provide a detailed, data-driven assessment about the conduct of elections in New Mexico.

The presence of ONME election observers helps to reassure New Mexico voters that they can confidently cast their ballots in the general election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

“Serving on this advisory board is important to me because fair elections are the linchpin to our democracy and to our civil rights,” says Maureen Sanders, who has conducted legal election protection efforts on behalf of the Democratic Party for many election cycles. “Being involved with the Carter Center on its work to ensure fair elections is an honor.”

“As the Executive Director of the Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission, I have seen firsthand the challenges Navajo voters face in accessing the ballot box. Joining the advisory board of Observe NM Elections allows me to continue advocating for the necessary reforms and protections that ensure equal voting opportunities for all Navajo citizens” says Leonard Gorman, Executive Director of the Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission, “Our work is far from over, and it is crucial to remain vigilant in protecting the voting rights of Navajo people.”

“My longstanding interest in ethics and good governance inspired me to answer the call to serve Observe New Mexico Elections. As a former governor and university leader, I believe it’s crucial to uphold the highest standards of integrity in our public institutions, including our electoral processes” says Garrey Carruthers, “This role allows me to contribute to ensuring transparency and accountability in our state and local governments.”

“Having served on the New Mexico Supreme Court and dedicated my career to upholding justice and fairness in our state, I see my role on the advisory board of Observe NM Elections as a natural extension of that commitment” says Barbara Vigil, Former State Supreme Court Justice, “Ensuring the integrity and transparency of our electoral process is crucial for maintaining public trust in our democracy.”

New Mexico is among the handful of states participating in The Carter Center initiative. The Carter Center is renowned for its extensive international election observation efforts.

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